Manne Siegbahn Institute

Mind of Zero

Manne Siegbahn Biography - Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline

Manne Siegbahn ( 1886 – 1978 ) was a Swedish physicist, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1924, for his work on X-ray spectroscopy.

Born in late nineteenth century in the southern Sweden, he had his schooling at Stockholm and university education at Lund.

Starting his career as a docent at the age of twenty-five at the University of Lund, he discovered a new group of wavelengths, known as the M series, in X-ray emission spectra, at the age of thirty and became full professor at thirty-four.

Later, he shifted to the University of Uppsala and remained there for next fourteen years. Here, he continued with his work on X-ray spectroscopy and established that X-rays, just as light, were electromagnetic radiation.

It was his work on X-ray spectroscopy, which earned him his Nobel Prize in Physics for year 1924 .

Later, he joined University of Stockholm and in…

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